Aliens Space Station is a 30 floor high-rise apartment. Its S-shaped structure is significantly superior to a conventional building.
- Geological advantage in terms of globe orientation i.e. any sudden deviation (even an earthquake or other seismic factors) will not affect the structure.
- Space Station is structurally designed as per international norms.
- Ventilation: The S-structure gives each apartment uniform air, light and ventilation from 3 sides.
Main Elements in the Gigantic S-shape structure
Raft Foundation:
Isolated footing uses individual foundation; this transfers the load to the earth. However, this type of foundation limits load and cannot withstand extra load (dead load/live load) as there are no links between individual footings. Raft foundation is a mass footing / foundation wherein a single mass takes the load and distributes it uniformly over a large area and to the earth. This type of foundation increases the life of the building.
Transverse slab:
Normal slabs independently distribute load to beams and columns to transfer the load to the ground in a combination of vertical & horizontal direction. A transverse slab transfers any given load eccentricity from one location to another; instead of transferring the load directly to the ground at a single point, it horizontally distributes weight and gradually transfers it to the ground. As the structure above comprises of shear walls (RCC walls) load is transmitted through transverse slab & the load is then transferred to the ground. This also helps in having clear view without any hindrances like pillars.
The structure is built on RCC (Reinforced cement concrete) formwork.
Shear Wall:
A normal building consists of columns which are designed on concrete frame structure. High rise structures cannot withstand heavy winds and other external forces along with the dead load (building weight) and live load (people living in the building and things being used by them) which are acting continuously on it. A shear wall uniformly disperses wind pressure and gets a strong grip to the ground thus resisting any external force. Shear walls help in uniformly distributing wind and light in all directions.
Interconnected Corridor:
Interconnected corridor of length 1.5 km (in each level) strengthens the structure of the building and gives connectivity in case of exigency.
Aliens Space Station - India's first Pre-certified with a Platinum Rating by Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) in the Residential Townships category.
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